My Somewhat Unconventional Means of Remaining Clean and Sober

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Personal Development

Video Summary

In this video, I document my, “somewhat unconventional means of remaining clean and sober.” I say it’s somewhat unconventional because my life is rooted in the concept of long-term recovery from drugs and alcohol despite not using traditional programs and methods, such as AA and NA.

While I did attend meetings during my first year of sobriety, it never felt like it was for me and, eventually, I stopped going. Despite this, I knew I needed to fundamentally change the way in which I lived and thought about my life. This video goes over those changes.

The core of my recovery rests on a fundamental belief that I can remain clean and sober long-term by creating a life for myself filled with such purpose and meaning that I am unwilling to throw it away under any circumstance. In order to build that purpose and meaning, I focus on three things:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Progress
  3. Hard work

I discuss the role each concept plays in my recovery and how they create purpose and meaning in my life, thereby strengthening my recovery.

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