
“To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.” – Confucius

My Experience With Rehab

My Experience With Rehab

There's a quote I like from Winston Churchill. He said, "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." For me, this end of the beginning was rehab. Admitting myself into an inpatient facility for drug...

The Reframe App (My Rant)

The Reframe App (My Rant)

It was the 4th of July, and I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. At this point, my feed is basically recovery-related and personal development topics only. I've been coming across these ads recently for apps that claim to be able to help you quit or manage...

How I Got Over Not Wanting To Quit

How I Got Over Not Wanting To Quit

They say you need to want it. You can’t do it for someone else; you have to want it for yourself. I heard this a lot when I first decided to change my life and realized that giving up drugs and alcohol for good was my only option. I knew I needed to get clean and...

Project Update Ep.3

Project Update Ep.3

This past week I've been working on getting the sales page for the community up and running. Sadly, I'm behind schedule and it's not ready to go live. I could have rushed it, but I wanted to put out something that I was happy with and felt polished. It's simply not...

Project Update Ep.2

Project Update Ep.2

There’s good news, and there’s bad news. The good news is that I’ve completed most of the structural and design aspects of the community platform. The bad news is that I made another video for you to watch—this time, I’m even in the video. Originally, I was just going...

Project Update Ep.1

Project Update Ep.1

I have some news. I’ve been working on this project for almost a year now. The site’s been live for a few months. And, to be honest, up until recently I didn’t really have a vision for what the future would hold. I knew I wanted to help people in recovery, I knew I...

Ignoring The Stigma: 5 Reasons Why I’m Not Anonymous

Ignoring The Stigma: 5 Reasons Why I’m Not Anonymous

I’ve never really been anonymous. I called my boss on my way to rehab to give him a heads-up. I told my fiancée that I had a problem before our first date. To me, it’s always made things much simpler. After finally hearing myself utter the words and admit I had a...

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