Project Update Ep.2


Written By Brian McEntee

Published June 5, 2024

There’s good news, and there’s bad news. The good news is that I’ve completed most of the structural and design aspects of the community platform. The bad news is that I made another video for you to watch—this time, I’m even in the video. Originally, I was just going to type something up describing the community space, but I thought a quick video would do a better job showcasing it.

So far, I’ve created an introductory space with welcoming messages, community guidelines, a space for introductions, and a suggestion box. Most community discussions will take place in a “Community Hub” section. This section is broken down into several different spaces which are intended for posts centered around recovery, personal development, and success stories. The platform also has the ability to live chat, live stream, host zoom-like video conferences, plan and host community events, etc.

I’m really happy with the way it’s shaping up so far. This coming week, I’ll be working on pricing, creating a sales page, copywriting, etc. I’m also still working on creating an initial group of members, mainly by reaching out to people I know, communicating my vision for the community, and inviting them to be a founding member.

Check out the video below to get a better idea of what the platform looks like and how it operates. Please excuse my lackluster video editing skills; you have no idea how long it took me to piece together a 7-minute video in Adobe Premiere.

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