Project Update Ep.1


Written By Brian McEntee

Published May 29, 2024

I have some news. I’ve been working on this project for almost a year now. The site’s been live for a few months. And, to be honest, up until recently I didn’t really have a vision for what the future would hold. I knew I wanted to help people in recovery, I knew I wanted to do it by creating an online business, but I haven’t had a goal for what I wanted it to become. That’s changed now.

The Idea

I’ve recently been thinking a lot about what type of product or service I could offer that would actually create value for people in this space. Originally, I had ideas of creating courses or coaching services. While those are all still on the table for the future, I’ve realized there was a crucial aspect I was overlooking – the importance of community while in recovery. That should come first.

Support from others is undeniably one of the most important factors in recovery. People want to share their successes (and their failures). They seek advice from others who are further along in sobriety. They like to give advice when they feel like they can help and pay it forward. They want to belong, be heard, and feel valued. Most importantly, they want to feel like they’re not alone.

Obviously, programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous rely heavily on community structure and organization. They’re based on the simple premise of one alcoholic, or addict, helping another. These programs are effective means of gaining support, guidance, and a sense of community while in recovery. But, they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. For those who have chosen to forge their own path and not go the 12-step recovery route, getting that same sense of community can be difficult. This is where I think we can make a difference.

My idea is to create an inclusive community, under the umbrella of Quit and Conquer, where people who are dedicated to sobriety, recovery, and personal development can come together. Whether you attend meetings or not, whether you’re in SMART recovery, or whether you’ve chosen any other method to help remain abstinent, this community is for you. It’s a place where you can share and ask for advice. It’s a place where you can celebrate your victories. It’s a place where people who struggle with alcohol and substance abuse can connect and belong.

A little preview of what the community currently looks like.

Where We’re At

While we’re still a ways out from launch, I’m currently working on building this community. I’ve secured a platform, created a structure and organization for topics of discussion, and I’m currently working on the branding, aesthetics, etc. I’m also working on ideas for how to kickstart the whole project because I don’t want to invite people to a dead space. If you’re interested in being one of the first one’s to sign up, you’re more than welcome to email me at

I’m going to start using some of these posts to provide community updates and convey my vision for the future of this project. It helps hold me accountable, it helps me connect with readers, and gives me a way to formally document my goals and progress.

I’m excited to get the ball rolling on this community and extremely happy to have finally nailed down the next step I want to take with Quit and Conquer. Check back here for more updates and I’m looking forward to connecting with everyone soon on the platform when it launches!

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